Human Resources

Achieve Your 2023 Business Goals with Talent Data

| 1 hour

Have you ever known your business partners were making a bad talent decision, but been unable to prove it? Have you been wanting to get the proverbial seat at the table, but had trouble being heard? Bringing customized labor market insights and data to conversations adds credibility to your ideas and substance to your plans. Join this complimentary HR webinar where a Gartner expert provides you what insights cutting-edge talent leaders are bringing to discussions, and how much further you can advance your initiatives when they are built upon empirical data and guided by advisory support. Bring your questions and see what your peers are asking to help advance your 2023 business goals.

  • Support your strategic plans with external labor market insights

  • Uncover competitor strategies and stay ahead of talent competitors

  • Prevent your business partners from handing you disastrous talent plans

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar. 

Hosted by

Kenneth Pyle

Sr Director, Advisory


Erica Lee

Director, Advisory

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