Information Technology

Gartner Top Tech Trend: Enhance Your Customer & Employee Experience Strategy With Superapps

| 1 hour

Superapps first emerged in 2017, and now, Gartner sees them as a top strategic technology trend. Superapps are designed to provide mobile-first app experiences that cater to the expanding digital-native generation as users and developers of miniapps. Large enterprises are building workforce superapps to consolidate and potentially replace an array of custom and vendor-supplied apps that are complex to manage and lack user adoption. Some consumer and business software providers are evolving their digital products and applications into superapp platforms to create a broader ecosystem powered by miniapps. Join this free webinar to hear from a panel of Gartner analysts on the opportunities and risks associated with superapps as part of your customer experience or employee experience strategies. Determine if you should develop your own superapp platform and ecosystem, or participate in important superapps for your industry.  

  • Distinguish a superapp from a portal or composite app

  • Apply superapps to your digital business strategy

  • Identify the key factors for success in leveraging superapps

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar. 

Hosted by

Jason Wong

Distinguished VP Analyst


Sandy Shen

VP Analyst

Lacy Lei

Sr Principal Analyst

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