Human Resources

Measure Employee Experience Beyond Engagement

| 1 hour

The employee-employer relationship has been challenged and changed in the last two years. This is complicating organizations’ ability to measure the full employee experience as engagement is no longer enough. Learn how organizations are thinking beyond engagement to build a holistic measure of employee experience, including well-being, resilience, work friction and connectedness. Join this complimentary HR webinar to understand how employees value their work and how understanding those values underpins building and measuring a compelling employee experience.

  • Understand what employees actually value in their work by using a values framework

  • Understand what is most important to measure

  • Learn tactics to drive engagement at your organization that your employees will value most

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar. 

Hosted by

Christopher Long

Sr Director, Advisory


Brent Cassell

VP, Advisory

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