Human Resources

Make Smarter Build vs Buy Digital Talent Decisions

| 1 hour

Leaders are prioritizing talent investments and digitalization initiatives in 2023, but they face an expensive and competitive labor market. To make smarter investments in digital skills, HR professionals must ensure decision makers have access to data-driven insights about the cost, timeliness and variability of different options for building, buying or borrowing talent. Join this complimentary webinar to learn how to leverage external labor market data to accelerate skills building, widen digital talent pools, identify skills gaps, and more.

  • Integrate external talent intelligence into build-buy decisions

  • Identify digital skills gaps and upcoming needs

  • Accelerate skills building within your organization using skills adjacencies

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Adam Sherlip

Principal, Advisory

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