Human Resources

Gartner Panel: New Opportunities for Talent Analytics in the Hybrid World

| 1 hour

Talent analytics teams play an important role in the move to a hybrid workforce model, and there is new context in how the teams operate. There are many new opportunities to add value to decision making, but there are also heightened risks to privacy and employee trust. Join this free HR webinar, where a panel of Gartner experts explore new areas talent analytics teams could or should pay attention to in order to support a hybrid workforce.

Discussion Topics:
  • Understand the important role talent analytics teams play in a hybrid workforce model
  • Add value to decision making while balancing the heightened risks to privacy and employee trust
  • Explore the new questions talent analytics teams should consider to support a new hybrid workforce

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about registering or watching.

Hosted by

Gaston Gomez Armesto

Director, Advisory

Rebecca Lane

Principal, Research

Maggie Schroeder-O'Neal

Sr Specialist, Research

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