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Gartner Global Scenarios: Russian Invasion of Ukraine Long-term Business Impact

| 1 hour

The short-term outcomes of the current Russian invasion of Ukraine are unpredictable, and the long-term effects even more. Dealing with high levels of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (often referred to as VUCA) requires a process of scenario planning. In this free Gartner webinar, we will explore the most impactful scenarios for businesses on how to deal with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. We will also outline what each of these scenarios mean for a variety of roles, from marketing to HR, IT to supply chain, and from enterprise architecture to the board.

Discussion Topics:
  • How to prepare for the short-and-long-term effects of the Russian invasion of Ukraine
  • Scenario planning across business functions
  • The most impactful scenarios for business

Additionally, we invite you to register for other webinars in this series:

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: Address Your Most Critical Business Concerns

Gartner Panel: Top Inflation Concerns for 2022 and Beyond

Cybersecurity Implications of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

IT Spending Forecast, 1Q22 Update: The Russian Invasion of Ukraine

The Russian Invasion of Ukraine: 7 Geopolitical Impacts

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about watching.

Hosted by

Frank Buytendijk

Distinguished VP Analyst

Alexander Kirss

Principal, Research, KI Leader

Emily Rose McRae

Sr Director, Research, KI Leader


Tomas Nielsen

Distinguished VP Analyst, KI Leader

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