Tech and Service Providers

Effectively Use Customer Insights to Build a Stronger Product Strategy

| 1 hour

All areas of product management must understand and prioritize the needs of their customers and the functional capabilities required to develop a competitive product. Product managers consistently rank these areas, plus the creation of a cohesive and easy-to-communicate product strategy, as the most important elements of their role. However, many product managers still struggle to validate that they have captured the right insight to underpin these activities. This complimentary webinar will help product management executives more effectively use tools and techniques, such as Gartner Product Decisions, to leverage customer feedback and insight to both validate and improve their product strategy and roadmaps.

Return to this web page to watch the webinar. Contact us at with questions about watching.

Discussion Topics:
  • The importance of your product strategy and roadmap throughout the product life cycle
  • Tools and technique to capture customer-driven insight and validation
  • How Gartner Product Decisions provides insight and validation of buyers’ needs and satisfaction

Hosted by

Eric Trenk

VP Analyst


Chris Meering

Sr Director Analyst

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