Human Resources

Optimize Job Postings with Labor Market Intelligence

| 1 hour

Even as organizations work to optimize every aspect of their talent attraction strategies, they often overlook the humble job posting’s role. Job postings are a key channel for candidates to learn about the job and the organization. Thus, it is important for recruiting leaders to create a job description that candidates will find desirable. Join this free HR webinar to learn why optimizing job posting length, readability and quality matters, and how to improve your chances of attracting the right talent. 

  • Understand the important role job postings play in your organization’s brand and talent attraction strategy

  • Evaluate competitor job postings to understand how other organizations position their EVP and job requirements 

  • Tailor posting length, readability and quality to attract critical talent

Return to this web page to watch this webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Kenneth Pyle

Sr Director, Advisory

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