Information Technology

The Future of Data & Analytics: Create Business Value With Decision-Making

| 1 hour

You have a big opportunity to make a bigger impact on your organization with data, analytics and artificial intelligence (AI). That opportunity is decision intelligence, an emerging discipline that bridges the gap that still exists between data-driven insights and actual business decision making. The reengineering of decisions helps to further support, augment or automate decisions with the right data, analytics, AI and other capabilities. Leading organizations even go beyond this, by taking the broader context and connectivity of decision making into account. Join this complimentary data and analytics webinar which explores 3 case studies that demonstrate how decision intelligence is the next leap towards digital and autonomous business. 

  • Find out why decisions are the crucial “last mile” for creating value with data, analytics and AI

  • Explore how the context of decisions really becomes a competitive differentiator 

  • Hear case studies on how to apply decision intelligence

Return to this web page to watch this Webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this Webinar.

Hosted by

Pieter den Hamer

Sr Director Analyst


Frank Buytendijk

Distinguished VP Analyst


Gareth Herschel

VP Analyst

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