Human Resources

CHROs, Improve Talent Outcomes With Guidance From CEO Talent Champions

| 1 hour

All CEOs must make difficult, sometimes unpopular decisions that impact the workforce. Some CEOs, however, are able to approach these decisions in a way that consistently creates positive talent outcomes year over year. But who are these CEOs and what do they do differently? Join this complimentary HR webinar to learn about Gartner’s methodology to identify “CEO Talent Champions” and understand the elements of their decision making process that set them apart from their peers.

  • Learn how Gartner identified the 2022 CEO talent champions

  • Understand how CEO talent champions make decisions differently to drive positive talent outcomes

  • Discover practical advice for how CHROs can work with their CEO to improve their organization’s talent outcomes

Return to this web page to watch this Webinar. Contact us at with questions about viewing this Webinar. 

Hosted by

Anna Krasniewska

Group Vice President

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