
The Gartner Leadership Vision for 2023: Sales Enablement

| 30 minutes

Following the earlier framework and themes laid out for chief sales officers in our opening presentation, this exclusive virtual session will directly address how sales enablement leaders can deliver outsized commercial impact in the year ahead. Join us as we explore the following three key imperatives for sales enablement leaders in greater detail:

  • Build an agile and highly competent sales enablement function that can sustain seller productivity in an increasingly volatile world

  • Drive frontline team’s adoption and utilization of sales tools and technologies to generate predictable commercial success while simultaneously enhancing the seller experience

  • Develop a comprehensive talent development and engagement strategy to support frontline sellers in overcoming the drag of a hyper-evolving role so they can thrive into the future

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Hosted by

Shayne Jackson

Sr Director Analyst

Doug Bushée

Sr Director Analyst

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