
Opening Session: The Gartner Chief Sales Officer Leadership Vision for 2023

| 1 hour

B2B sales are at a tipping point. Two plus years of constant and compounding disruption have forced many CSOs into a perpetual scramble to meet revenue targets. Three key decisions heading into 2023 may further separate the winners from the losers in the years to come: 

  • How can I help my team win deals with so much uncertainty? 

  • What changes should I make to drive revenue growth as more customers move to digital buying? 

  • How can I build a high-performing sales team in today’s labor market? 

The Gartner Leadership Vision for CSOs serves as a guidebook to navigate these questions. Join this invitation-only, complimentary virtual session where Gartner experts will explore the trends driving the need for change, the problems exacerbating the status quo and the leading actions the most progressive CSOs and their teams must take to stay ahead of the competition.

Return to this web page to watch this session. Contact us at with questions about viewing this webinar.

Hosted by

Robert Blaisdell

Sr Director Analyst


Craig Riley

Director Analyst


Shayne Jackson

Sr Director Analyst


Steve Rietberg

VP Analyst

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